The Native Flora & Fauna

The following is a list of the most common native plants and animals found on our property.   The names that are underlined have detailed descriptions.

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Englemann Oak Coast Live Oak Sycamore Alder Big Leaf Maple Coulter Pine Cuyamaca Cypress Bay Laurel


Indian Tobacco Fremontia Coffee berry Red berry Snow berry Poison Oak Chemise Mule fat

Ground Cover

Honeysuckle Yucca Spanish Sword Buckwheat Dudleya


Babyblue Eyes Clarkia Poppy2.jpg (38940 bytes)


Coyote Bobcat Kit fox Cougar Gopher
Ground Squirrel Audubon's Cottontail Chipmunk Woodrat Deermouse


Scrub Jay Stellers Jay Titmouse Bush Tit Wren
Raven Crow Red Tailed Hawk American Vulture


Salamander Tree Frog Bull Frog

Englemann Oak - Quercus engelmannii Greene

engel.jpg (46440 bytes)The Englemann Oak is another rare species found on our ranch. Its range is limited to Southern California and it is considered by many to be endangered. It grows from 20 to 50 ft. and can live up to 200 years old. It is considered deciduous but foliage may persist during winter. It is considered fire tolerant and is most often found in the foothills below 4,000 ft in elevation. For more information on Southern California oaks see - .

Cuyamaca Cypress -cypress2.jpg (83552 bytes)This species of Cypress grows in only one location in the world, on the Southwest face of Mount Cuyamaca. Ours is located along the road at the south east entrance to the property. It is a small tree or shrub growing to 20 ft. with cherry red bark and green foliage. According to  Bryan Dillow of the California Native Plants WebSite, "I have found the Cuyamaca Cypress identified as Cupressus arizonica var.stephensonii from one source and as Cupressus stephensonii in the CNPS Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California.  The latter source says that it is known from only two occurrences near Cuyamaca Peak.  The CNPS lists it as 1B which is one step away from extinction due to low numbers and vulnerable habitat."

Fremontia - Fremontodendron californicum fremntlg.jpg (136093 bytes)Needs excellent drainage and is best growing on hillsides.  It is very drought tolerant which explains why it grows on our ranch.   Native to foothills of Sierra Nevada and Southern California mountains.   Yellow flowers bloom in may through June.


Coffee Berry - Rhamnus californica coffelg.jpg (52499 bytes) Grows under dry conditions in canyons. coastal and slope habitats.   Native to southwest Oregon, California, Arizona, New Mexico.


Poison Oak - Rhus diversiloba poaklg.jpg (64186 bytes)This is one of the more attractive plants on the ranch.  It has lush green foliage and its fall color is more splendid than the sycamores.  The Sunset Western Garden Book describes the leaves as divided into 3 leaflets the edges of which are scalloped, toothed or lobed.




Mule-Fat - Baccharis salicifolia mulflg.jpg (169525 bytes)Occurs under dry conditions in stream bank habitats.  Some sources say the species is limited to lower elevations however ours do fine at 3,500 ft..  It looses it foliage in the winter.


Yucca whipplei - yucca2.jpg (59825 bytes)These needle tipped plants are native to southern California mountains.  The flowering stems grow up to 14 ft. long.   The Indians used the course fiber from the foliage to produce baskets and even shoes.  This variety is also called the Mission Bell or Quixote plant.


Baby Blue Eyes - Nemophila mensiessii babyblue.jpg (5777 bytes)To 10 in. tall.  Blooms in the spring with a sky blue flower with whitish center.  Mostly in the cooler, shady areas on our ranch.


Clarkia - Clarkia rhomboidea clarklg.jpg (149793 bytes)Annual that grows in the cool season, blooming in the spring.  Ours show up in shady spots under the oaks and near the creek.  I try to hold off my springs weed whipping until they have gone to seed.


Coyote - coyote02.gif (3235 bytes)The coyote belongs to the family Canidae.  It is classified as Canis latrens.  Almost every night we hear the coyotes barking in the hills surrounding our property.  In the morning we find their feces right next to the house telling us that they paid a closer visit.  We don't discourage their visits as they are a natural predator for the rabbits and rodents.   I do worry about our cat, though he has survived for four years.  He seems to be coyote wise and is always on the alert when outside.


American Vulture - vulture.gif (21559 bytes)The American vultures make up the family Cathartidae. The turkey vulture is Cathartes aura.  We most often see these birds feeding on road kill along the road into the ranch.  This species has a range from southern Canada to southern South America.  They have bald heads and are voiceless birds.


Salamander - Ensatina eschscholtzi klauberi.  salaman.jpg (2681 bytes)The lungless salamanders living on the ranch are terrestrial and are found under rocks, bark, logs, rotten wood and in animal burrows.  They are out and about during the winter rainy season from October to April and during mountain summer rains.   Since they have no lungs they must breath through their thin, moist skins which are smooth and slippery.  Without their damp hiding places they will die.

Sources include, Sunset New Western Garden Book, Bryan Dillow at   California Native Plants WebSite and UC Berkeley at

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