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Points & Native American Relics - Page Six

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Limestone - Cumberland River
Late Archaic to Early Woodland, 5000 - 2000 B.P.

Kentucky Hornstone.

L 2.13" x W 1.16"

Stewart County, TN.

Southeastern states. A small to medium size, triangular stemmed point with an expanded, concave base and barbed to tapered shoulders. Blade edges are concave, convex or straight. - Overstreet 10 p. 432


Loafstone Atlatl Weight

Estill County, Kentucky
Material: Hematite
L 1.33" W.86"

Jackson COA

Counter balance weight tied to the throwing shaft. Grooved to assist with attaching the weight to the throwing device. Drilled forms are called bannerstones.



Late Archaic to Woodland, 3500 - 1800 B.P.
L 1.25" W 1.41"

Texas to Oklahoma. A small to medium size, broad, corner notched point with an expanded stem. The blade edges are straight to recurved. Many examples have long barbs and a sharp pointed tip. Bases are convex, straight or concave. - Overstreet 10 p. 619

Found in McLennan County. A personal find by Sal Gonzales Jr.


Late Archaic, 3000 - 1500 B.P.

L 1 1/4" W 3/4"

West Arizona into the Great Basin. A small to medium size side notched point with a straight to concave base. Shoulders are tapered to horizontal. - Overstreet 10 p. 861


Reportedly found in Arizona


Metate, Mortaros and Manos

Length: 20" x 11"
Material: Granite
Provenance: Found on private land in San Diego County, California by Catherine Horne of Descanso.

Metates typically consist of large stones with a smooth depression or bowl worn into the upper surface. The bowl is formed by the continual and long-term grinding of materials using a smooth hand-held stone (known as a mano).

Morteros are small divots in large slabs of rock that local Indians used to grind grains.

Close Up


Late Archaic to Woodland, 4500 - 2500 B.P
Origin: Independence County, Arkansas
Material: Penters Chert
Measurment: L 2-3/4"  W 1"
Grade: 7.5

Notation: From the middle Archaic to Woodland period. From the Ex collection of Johnny Parnell

Southeastern states. A medium to large size, expanded stemmed to widely corner notched point with strong barbs, The blade edges and the base are convex to straight. Similar to Epps which has a straight base. - Overstreet 10 p. 448

Baker COA


Late Archaic, 400 - 250 B.P.
L 2.13" W .84"

Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma, into Arkansas & Missouri. A large size, narrow knife forms with broad to narrow side notches and a short, convex to a long tapered stem that can be pointed to rounded. Related to Harahey Knife.

Found in McLennan County. A personal find by Sal Gonzales Jr.

Overstreet 10 p. 634


North Blade / Un-notched Snyder's point
Woodland, 2200 - 1600 B. P.
Found in Boone County Missouri by Jim Bruce
L 2.70" W 1.74"
Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, & surrounding states. A large, thin, elliptical, broad well made blade. Usually found in caches and is related to the Snyder's Point of the Hopewell culture. Believed to be un-notched Snyder's point. - Overstreet 10 p. 455


Paleo Lanceolate
Plaeo - 11,250 - 8000 B.P.

L 3-3/4" W 1-3/16"

Patinated White Flint - Grade: G-8

Southern Illinois
ex David Bailey Collection

COA: Jim Bennett


Early Archaic, 9000 - 6000 B.P.

L 1.21" W .81

A small size, corner notched , triangular point with a ground concave, convex, or straight base. Many are serrated and large example would fall under the Pine Tree or Kirk type. -
Overstreet 10 p. 458

Whiteside County, Illinois


Middle to Late Archaic, 6000 - 3500 B.P.

L 3.17" W 1.23"

Hickman Co. TN.
Found on the Duck River. Possibly Burlington Chert

Southeastern States. A medium to larges size, expanded shoulder, contracted to expanded stem. Blade edges are recurved and many examples show fine secondary flaking with serrations. Some are beveled on one side of each face. Shoulders are horizontal, tapered or barbed and form sharp angles. - Overstreet 10 p. 460

*A very nice point though the seller tried to portray it as perfect. Not so; it has a small ancient nick on one of the barbs.


Pine Tree
Early Archaic, 8000 - 5000 B.P.

L " W

Mead Co. Kentucky

Southeastern States. A medium to large size, side notched, usually serrated point with parallel flaking to the center of the blade forming a medium ridge. The bases are ground and can be concave, convex, straight or auriculate. Developed from the earlier Greenbrier point. Smaller samples fall in the Palmer type- Overstreet 10 p. 464


Scraper - Corner Notch

Marion Co. Kansas

A comer notch point that was picked up by an Indian and reworked anciently into a scraper. It was reworked on the damaged area but also had one ear removed for hafting. It measures 1 3/8" and is very thin. Found in Marion county Kansas by John Cowherd. Made of a completely translucent material.

Suspected modern re-chipping.


Early to Middle Archaic, 7000 - 5000 B.P.

L 3.23" W 1.09"

From the collection of Johnny Parnell and is from in and around Independence county, Arkansas. A small to medium size, thin, lanceolate point with a squared hafting area that (usually) has concave sides and base which is ground. Many are serrated.

Item Specifics
Material: Boone Chert
Type: Searcy Region or Culture
Grade: G8

Baker COA


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The Official Overstreet Indian Arrowhead Identification Online Database





Last Modified : 07/21/15 12:26 PM

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