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Native American Relics
I'm creating these
pages as a way to catalogue my collection and learn about point typology.
It's also the place where I'll be recording the notes I take while doing
research on ancient America. These points are not for sale though I am
occasionally interested in purchasing old collections especially if they are
personal finds. Personal recollections by the finder about the finding of the
artifacts are definitely of interest to me. Many times the story is more
interesting than the point itself.
Rob Horne
Historic Points
Pre-Columbian to modern times |
400 B.P. to 1300 B.P. |
Woodland Points
1300 B.P. to 3,000 B.P. |
Late Archaic Points
3,000 B.P. to 5,000 B.P. |
Mid Archaic
5,000 to 6,500 B.P. |
Archaic Points
6,500 to 9,000 B.P. |
Paleo Points
9,000 B.P. to 11,500 B.P. |
Stone Tools - Celts, Net weights, Axes, Banner Stones |
Dalton's |
Pendants & Gorgets |
Lane Collection |
Collection |
Martel Collection |
Point Notes |
Musical Instruments |
Mid Archaic Points
5,000 to 6,500 B.P.
Ferry (Barbeau
L 2.83"
W 1.45"
5200 B.P and 4500 B.P., Archaic
Mottled Gray Chert
From the collection of Junior Anderson of Urich, Missouri, a
farmer who collected in Davies, Cass and Johnson Counties of Missouri
Note: Artifact of the Middle to Late Archaic Period, dating between 5200
B.P. and 4500 B.P. This type was named for examples found at the Ferry Site
in Hardin County, Illinois. Distribution range includes Missouri, Iowa and
west central Illinois at such sites as Modoc Rock Shelter and Koster Site.

Ben Stermer COA
(Certificate of Authenticity) |

Hickery Ridge

Baker COA |

Mulberry Creek
Middle Archaic to Woodland, 5000 - 3000 B.P.
Buffalo River Chert
L 3-3/16 W 3/4'
Southeastern States. A
medium to large size, thick, stemmed point with recurved blade edges.
Shoulders are usually tapered but can be barbed. The blade is widest near
the center of the point. Stems can be expanding, parallel or contracting.
Bases are straight to convex.
Overstreet 10 -p. 451

Baker COA |

Middle to Late Archaic, 6000 - 3500 B.P.
L 3.17" W 1.23"
Hickman Co. TN.
Found on the Duck River. Possibly Burlington Chert
Southeastern States. A
medium to larges size, expanded shoulder, contracted to expanded stem. Blade
edges are recurved and many examples show fine secondary flaking with
serrations. Some are beveled on one side of each face. Shoulders are
horizontal, tapered or barbed and form sharp angles. -
Overstreet 10 p. 460
*A very nice point though the seller tried
to portray it as perfect. Not so; it has a small ancient nick on one of the

Middle to Late Archaic, 5000 - 3000 B.P
L 4-3/8" W 1-3/8"
Burlington Chert, Missouri
Midwestern states. A
medium to large size, narrow, lanceolate blade with straight to convex sides
and base. Flaking is usually cruder than in the Agate Basin. Believed to
have evolved from the Nebo Hill type. Overstreet 10 p. 787

Baker COA |

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Arrowhead Identification Online Database