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Native American Relics
I'm creating these
pages as a way to catalogue my collection and learn about point typology.
It's also the place where I'll be recording the notes I take while doing
research on ancient America. These points are not for sale though I am
occasionally interested in purchasing old collections especially if they are
personal finds. Personal recollections by the finder about the finding of the
artifacts are definitely of interest to me. Many times the story is more
interesting than the point itself.
Rob Horne
Historic Points
Pre-Columbian to modern times |
400 B.P. to 1300 B.P. |
Woodland Points
1300 B.P. to 3,000 B.P. |
Late Archaic Points
3,000 B.P. to 5,000 B.P. |
Mid Archaic
5,000 to 6,500 B.P. |
Archaic Points
6,500 to 9,000 B.P. |
Paleo Points
9,000 B.P. to 11,500 B.P. |
Stone Tools - Celts, Net weights, Axes, Banner Stones |
Dalton's |
Pendants & Gorgets |
Lane Collection |
Collection |
Martel Collection |
Point Notes |
Musical Instruments |
Woodland Points
1300 B.P. to 3,000 B.P.

Carter County, Kentucky - Ex - Connelly Collection
High Grade Boyle Chert
L 2-13/16"
W 1 1/4"
Late Archaic to Late Woodland,
3000 - 1200 B.P.

Jackson COA
Eastern to Southeastern states. A medium to
large, thin, narrow to broad rounded "beaver tail" stem. Bases can be
ground. - Overstreet 10 p. 332

Adena Robbins
Late Archaic to Late Woodland, 3000
- 1200 B.P.
L 1.35" W .83"
2 tone tan chert
Found in Franklin County, Ohio
The Adena culture was a cluster of many Native American villages that
existed about 500-100 B.C. in the central and southern parts of Ohio. The
communities were located along the Ohio River, which made it possible for
them to travel by canoe and do a lot of trading.
The Adena culture eventually
declined and was replaced by the Hopewell culture, which lasted to around
500 A.D. |

Late Archaic to Late Woodland, 3000
- 1200 B.P.
3 Tone Brown Chert
Lafayette County, Arkansas
L 2-5/8"
Eastern to Southeastern states. A
medium to large, thin, narrow to broad rounded "beaver tail" stem. Bases can
be ground. - Overstreet 10 p. 332 |

Adena Knife
Late Archaic to Late Woodland, 3000
- 1200 B.P.
Whiteside County Illinois
3.75" in length.
Eastern to Southeastern
states. A medium to large, thin, narrow to broad rounded "beaver tail" stem.
Bases can be ground. -
Overstreet 10 p. 332 |

Base Point
Late Archaic to Late Woodland, 3000
- 1200 B.P.
Flint Ridge point from Knox
co Ohio. This point measures 2 1/4'' long by 1 1/8'' wide. This point has
some of the finest colors you will see. There are lots of purple and golden
hues. The base appears to have anciently been reworked. -
Overstreet 10 p. 332 |

Adena - Long Stemmed
Late Archaic to Late Woodland, 3000 - 1200 B.P.
L 2.31" W .92"
Eastern to Southeastern
states. A medium to large, thin, narrow to broad rounded "beaver tail" stem.
Bases can be ground. -
Overstreet 10 p. 332

Jackson COA

Apple Creek
Late Woodland, 1700 - 1500 B.P.
Ex-Stagecoach Lane Collection
L 1.27" W .66"
Kansas, Missouri & Illinois.
A medium point with an expanded stem. Barbs are short to moderate. Bases are
convex, straight or concave. Overstreet 10 p. 703

Big Creek
Later Archaic to early Woodland
period, 3500 - 2500 B.P.
Crowley's Ridge Cobble
L 2-1/6" x W 1-5/16"
A small to
medium size, short, broad, corner notched point with a bulbous base.
Believed to be related to Marcos points. -
Overstreet 10 p. 531
 Baker COA -
Grade: 8 |

Woodland to Mississippian, 2000 - 800 B.P.
Suwannee County, Florida
L 1-7/16" W 3/4"
Jasper Chert
Southern Southeastern
states. A medium size, narrow, expanded stem point with tapered to rounded
shoulders. Basal corners can also be rounded. Bases are straight to slightly
convex. - Overstreet 10 p. 251 |

Darl Blade
Woodland, 2500 - 1000 B.P.
L 2.02" W .9"Texas to Oklahoma. A medium to large size,
thin, lanceolate blade with typical Darl flaking, fine edgework and a
concave to straight base. - Overstreet 10 p. 564

Woodland, 2500 - 1600 B.P.
Burlington Chert
L 2.04" W 1.9"
Grade 7.5
Ex-Bob Herren collection

Baker COA
Midwestern states. Associated with the
Hopewell culture. A medium to large size point with tapered shoulders and a
contracting stem. High quality flaking and thinness is evident on most
examples. -
Overstreet 10 p. 722

Another Example |

Woodland, 2500 - 1600 B.P.
Ex-Stagecoach Lane Collection
L 2.39" W 1.31"
Midwestern states. Associated with the
Hopewell culture. A medium to large size point with tapered shoulders and a
contracting stem. High quality flaking and thinness is evident on most
Overstreet 10 p. 722 |

Late Archaic to Early Woodland,
4000 - 1500 B.P.
L 2.27" W
Coryell County, Texas - Near the Leon River
Black Owl Creek Chert - Found by J. Kuzenka
Ex Bill Arnold, Ex Rick Coleman
A medium to large size, thin, well made corner
notched point with a concave, convex or straight base. Some examples are
serrated and sharply barbed and tipped. -
Overstreet 10 p. 575 |

Late Archaic to Early Woodland,
4000 - 1500 B.P.
L 1.97" W .90"
A medium to large size, thin, well made corner
notched point with a concave, convex or straight base. Some examples are
serrated and sharply barbed and tipped. -
Overstreet 10 p. 575

Another Example
L 1.97" W
Wilson County, Texas |

Flint Creek Point Type
Late Archaic to Woodland, 3500 - 1000 B.P.
L 2.44" W .99"
Franklin Co., Alabama
A medium to large size, narrow, serrated,
expanded stem point. Shoulders can be horizontal, tapered or barbed. Base
can be expanded, parallel sided or rounded. Southeastern and Gulf states. -
Overstreet 10 p. 395 |

Late Archaic to Woodland period, 3200 - 1000
L 2-3/8" x W 1-3/16"

Baker COA - Grade:7.5
Mississippi to Oklahoma. A medium size,
triangular point with a medium to long, contracted, pointed to rounded stem.
Rarely, the base is straight. Similar to Adena but thinned more. -
Overstreet 10 p. 587 |

Late Archaic to Woodland period, 3200 - 1000
Redish Chert
Mississippi to Oklahoma. A medium size,
triangular point with a medium to long, contracted, pointed to rounded stem.
Rarely, the base is straight. Similar to Adena but thinned more. -
Overstreet 10 p. 587
Lafayette County, Arkansas |

Late Archaic to Woodland period, 3200 - 1000
2 Tone Chert
Lafayette County, Arkansas
Mississippi to Oklahoma. A medium size,
triangular point with a medium to long, contracted, pointed to rounded stem.
Rarely, the base is straight. Similar to Adena but thinned more. -
Overstreet 10 p. 587

Late Archaic to Woodland period, 3200 - 1000 B.P.
Boone County, Texas
1-7/8"L x 1-3/16"W
Found by
Albert Adams in Texas.
A medium size, triangular point with a medium to long, contracted, pointed
to rounded stem. Shoulders are usually tapered. Cross-section is lenticular
and flaking is by pressure.
Similar to Adena but thinned more. -
Overstreet 10 p. 587

Baker COA -Grade: 7 |

Woodland 2500 - 1500 B.P.
L 2.68" W 1.58
Midwestern to Eastern
States. A large size, broad, corner notched point that is similar to
Snyders. - Overstreet 10 p.751
The Hopewell Tradition
flourished along rivers in the northeastern and Midwestern United States
from 200 BC to 500 AD. The Hopewell tradition was not a single culture or
society, but a widely dispersed set of related populations, which were
connected by a common network of trade routes known as the Hopewell Exchange
System. |

Woodland 2500 - 1500 B.P.
Dade County,
L 1-3/4"
Midwestern to Eastern
States. A large size, broad, corner notched point that is similar to
Snyders. - Overstreet 10 p. 448
Note from
Seth Gill
the finder: I found these arrowheads in the
1950's on my farm in Dade County Georgia when we planted corn in the spring.
That was our fun on a slow day. I had them wrapped in paper and stored
in tin molasses cans. I have found over 4000 in 57 years of farming along
Lookout Creek and I am just now starting to go thru them and I'm reliving my
younger years with my great kids.

Woodland 2500 - 1500 B.P.
L 1.71" W 1.23"
Dade County, Georgia
Midwestern to Eastern
States. A large size, broad, corner notched point that is similar to
Snyders. -
Overstreet 10 p. 392 Note from
Seth Gill, the finder: I found these arrowheads in the
1950's on my farm in Dade County Georgia when we planted corn in the spring.
That was our fun on a slow day. I had them wrapped in paper and stored in
tin molasses cans.

Knight Island
Late Woodland, 1500 - 1000 B.P.
Clay County, Arkansas
L 1 3/16"
W 15/16"
Southwestern states. A small
to medium size, very thin, narrow, side-notched point with a straight base.
Overstreet 10 p.611
Nicely made point worth
more than purchase price.

- Cumberland River
Late Archaic to Early Woodland, 5000 - 2000 B.P.
Kentucky Hornstone.
L 2.13" x W 1.16"
Stewart County, TN.
states. A small to medium size, triangular stemmed point with an expanded,
concave base and barbed to tapered shoulders. Blade edges are concave,
convex or straight. -
Overstreet 10 p. 432 |

Late Archaic to Woodland, 3500 - 1800 B.P.
L 1.25" W 1.41"
Texas to Oklahoma. A small
to medium size, broad, corner notched point with an expanded stem. The blade
edges are straight to recurved. Many examples have long barbs and a sharp
pointed tip. Bases are convex, straight or concave. - Overstreet 10 p. 619
Found in McLennan County. A
personal find by Sal Gonzales Jr.

North Blade / Un-notched Snyder's point
Woodland, 2200 - 1600 B. P.
L 2.70" W 1.74"
Found in Boone County Missouri by Jim Bruce
Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, & surrounding
states. A large, thin, elliptical, broad well made blade. Usually found in
caches and is related to the Snyder's Point of the Hopewell culture.
Believed to be un-notched Snyder's point. -
Overstreet 10 p. 455

Rice Lobbed /
Possible MacCorkle
Early Archaic 9000 - 5000 B.P.
Ex-Stagecoach Lane Collection L
2.49" W 1.67"
Midwestern to Northwestern states. Medium to
large bifurcated to lobbed base. Slight barb nicks.

Overstreet 10 p.472 |

Woodland to Mississippian, 1300 - 500 B.P.
Ex-Stagecoach Lane Collection
L .91" W .51"
Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas
into Missouri. A small size, corner notched arrow point with a flaring stem.
Bases and bladed edges are straight, concave or convex and many examples are
serrated. Overstreet 10 p. 784

Snyders (Hopewell)
Woodland, 2500 - 1500 B.P.
L 2.00"
Midwestern to Eastern states. A medium to
large broad, thin, wide corner notched point of high quality. Blade edges
and base are convex. Many bases have intentionally been fractured. -
Overstreet 10 p. 484
by David Menz in Scott County Missouri

Another |

Snyders (Hopewell)?
Woodland, 2500 - 1500 B.P.
Ex-Stagecoach Lane Collection
2.26" W 1.32"
Midwestern to Eastern states. A medium to
large broad, thin, wide corner notched point of high quality. Blade edges
and base are convex. Many bases have intentionally been fractured.
Overstreet 10 p. 484
*Perfect in all
respects; no dings or Knicks. |

Snyders (Hopewell)
Woodland, 2500 - 1500 B.P.
L 1.69" W 1.27"
Found in Boone County Missouri by Jim Bruce
Midwestern to Eastern states. A medium to
large broad, thin, wide corner notched point of high quality. Blade edges
and base are convex. Many bases have intentionally been fractured. -
Overstreet 10 p. 484

Woodland, 3000 - 1500 B.P.
Found on the Cumberland
River in Trigg County, KY. Kentucky Hornstone
A medium to large size stemmed tool used for
scraping. -
Overstreet 10 p.486 |

Woodland, 2500 - 1500 B.P.
Ex-Stagecoach Lane Collection
L 2.42" W .94"
Midwestern to Southeastern
United States. Associated with the Hopewell culture. A medium to large,
narrow, thin, well made point with a contracting stem that is rounded or
pointed. Blades are convex to recurved. shoulders are squared or near
Overstreet 10 p. 808

Another |
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The Official Overstreet Indian
Arrowhead Identification Online Database